Education Data Done Right
Across the country hundreds of data scientists and analysts are working for thousands of education agencies helping schools, school leaders, and education systems as a whole function more effectively. The work they do is critical to everything from managing enrollments and scheduling classes, to strategic planning, evaluating programs, and making the laws that shape our public education infrastructure at large.
This book series is for them. For their work.
Lots of pundits and researchers have ideas about how education data work should be done and who should do it, and many of their ideas are disseminated widely. But there are far fewer places for education agency analysts themselves to share their ideas, to describe their challenges, or to cover their efforts to do good science in the everyday.
We wanted to bring the voices and the work of these folks to the forefront, so others among them could learn from the hard-fought advances they’ve made which benefit us all.
This book series is by folks who’ve been agency analysts, for folks who are agency analysts.
You can see this collective direct experience of our authors and reviewers on those pages and read more about our best practice sharing through our guest Brookings blog posts on the About page. The expertise shared in each volume is captured on the Books page. Though, for the best reads on what this series is all about, scroll down to see what our target audience is saying.
And as we’ve rolled out these volumes, we’ve also had tremendous response from other education data analysts in the field. Among this broader audience are those working in state and local researcher-practitioner partnerships, advocacy groups, and training programs. (See our recent blog post about our participation in Stanford’s Masters in Education Data Science seminar.)

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Also available now in Kindle and in print through Amazon.
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The ebook is available in multiple formats, DRM-free, for “pay what you can” with a suggested price of $19
Also available now in Kindle and in print through Amazon.
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Building Resilience & Empowering Data Users
We close the series by sharing concrete ways to build resilience in teams, durability in practices, and robustness in technical systems; and by meeting readers’ requests to explore useful data sources.
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The ebook is available in multiple formats, DRM-free, for “pay what you can” with a suggested price of $18
Volume 3 Out Now!
Praise for EDDR
“It is the only field guide of its kind to address both the technical processes of data collection and statistical analysis, as well as the practical (and political) considerations of educational practitioners… making available best practices that can be successfully implemented to improve rigorous educational research whether your district is 100 students or 10,000.” ~ Katherine Pitsch, Grand Rapids Public Schools
“Anyone who is going to be leading a team in this area should be required to read EDDR and should use the book to identify easy wins they can deliver to improve the work coming out of their offices.” ~ William Buchanan, SAG Corporation, previously Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) in Kentucky
“It shows how to maximize your opportunities to engage within your organization to build a strong political and technical foundation to maximize the feasibility and impact of more advanced analytical work.” ~ Dan Wick, EdOps
“… it is the first attempt to systematically examine the various aspects of doing education data work from the perspectives of practitioners for the purpose of improving practices … I look forward to its sequels!” ~ Bo Yan, Jefferson County Public Schools, Kentucky
"This book helped me understand what was happening at the state education agency so I could make better data requests and develop better relationships with the folks who were managing the data... I recommend this book to everyone who analyzes and depends upon education data." ~Priyanka Reyes-Kaura, Children First